
10 reasons to learn English

As you can see, among the foreign languages ​​English language is in the first place and have long reached the international level. Today, English is used everywhere - business, travel, science, education, internet, movies, etc. English brings people together and helps to gain knowledge of the great sources of information. If you still have doubts in learning English, the following are 10 reasons why to learn English . After reading these paragraphs, you can finally decide whether you need to know English.

Canada Flooding: photos + video

A catastrophic flood in Canada caused to evacuation of more than 100,000 people. Information about the victims and the victims have been reported yet. According to police, one woman was missing.

Tourist season in Odessa is nearing the end

This year, the city of Odessa was visited by numerous tourists - all summer on the streets was constantly heard a foreign language, and Ukrainian churches of the city (UGCC and UOC-KP) have been flooded by the parishioners from the western Ukraine. Odessa Hotels also had plenty of customers. And the problem is that many of them are now being repaired, so the demand began to outstrip proposition, and just because of private landlords that rent apartments by the month and day, Odessa didn't faced a loss of interest due to the lack of accommodation. Local businesses operating in retail, this year got a good profit which, of course, virtually no impact on the city budget because of a) hiding from taxes and b) a cover for the single tax for physical persons (FOS). Mayor Edward Hurwitz began to repair facades of old buildings en masse. On the one hand, it is a work a couple of hundred people, on the other hand, this will improve the tourist interest in Odessa in the next couple of...

Sea Cruises in Odessa 2010

In 2010, Odessa citizens have been waiting for a good cruise season. Just because the world crisis forced foreign cruise operators to significantly reduce the number of expensive flights. And all believed that foreign tourists immediately will rush to Odessa and the Crimea... However, this did not happen. Frankly, I also expected an increase in cruise ship calls in the port of Odessa. It was assumed that the global crisis will hit the wallet of foreign tourists, and they will begin a mass campaign to buy tickets for holidays in Ukraine. I thought that the cheaper route, to which I mistakenly attributed the ports of Ukraine, will be more attractive to the cruise season of 2010. However, these expectations are not confirmed. Really, the calls at Ukrainian ports to foreign cruise operators cost far more than the call at ports of other countries in the same Black Sea. And sometimes more expensive at times! How can this be? Imagine, can! This is because of an incredibly high level of va...

Морские круизы в Одессе 2010

В 2010 году в Одессе были ожидания хорошего круизного сезона. Просто хотя бы потому, что мировой кризис вынудил зарубежных круизных операторов существенно сократить количество дорогих рейсов. И все полагали, что зарубежные туристы тут же ринутся в Одессу и Крым... Однако этого не произошло. Признаться, и я ожидал увеличения круизных судозаходов в Одесский порт. Предполагалось, что мировой кризис ударит по кошельку иностранных туристов, и они в массовом порядке начнут скупать билеты на отдых в Украину. Я полагал, что более дешевые маршруты, к которым я по ошибке относил порты Украины , будут более привлекательны в круизном сезоне 2010. Однако реальность этих ожиданий не подтвердила. Оказалось, что судозаходы в украинские порты обходятся иностранным круизным операторам намного дороже , чем заходы в порты других стран того же Черного моря. Причем дороже иногда в разы! Как такое может быть? Представьте, может. Виной тому - неимоверно высокий уровень всевозможных взносов и поборов. Вид...

No Azerbaijan visa for Ukrainians!

Sometime ago I've been thinking about a possibility to conduct two Middle Asian trips: to Uzbekistan and to Azerbaijan. Uzbekistan attracted me by its sufi Islamic culture, beautiful Uzbek women and Azerbaijan by its historical heritage. Authors of the Uzbekistan travel and Tashkent hotels web-site reminded me that there is no problem for any Ukrainian to travel there, because Ukrainian citizens can enter this countries without having a visa. Azerbaijan visa support needed only for UK, USA and other Western countries' citizens  but not for Ukrainians. This news makes me happy. This spring I'm going to travel Western Ukraine, but autumn will reserve for Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan.

Strange wedding dress

Just found very special wedding dress - red one! Looks very good, but I think this color is not hundred percent appropriate for a wedding idea, because the meaning of the red color is quitte different from the white one. Scarcely red color can point to innocence, which is the main symbol of white wedding dress. But anyway, comparing to the other wedding variations, red dress can be a kind of innovation, especially in Ukraine and Russia, where traditional wedding color is still white.